Can you snort the 224

Can you snort the 224
Can you snort ABG 15 Morphine? - Yahoo!.
Yes.. You can snort Trazodone. I am perscribed Traz 100mg for the treatment of insomnia. I've been on here all day looking at what people have to say about this
just wondering if you can snort weed, and what the effects of that will be, and if it is a good idea or not? has anyone tried this? what happened if

Can you snort Hydrocodone - The Q&A wiki
Snorting - can you snort codeine? - Drugs.
07.03.2010 · Best Answer: It is definitely NOT the same as taking them orally. You definitely can snort those pills. You do have to scrape off the coating, of course
Can you snort the 224
sorry if this is old news i don't know much about vals except that i went thru a They aren't very soluble in water, so no snorting/shooting isn't a good ideaSo it's 4 in the fucking morning and I'm sitting here smoking meth and reading the ^Gosh. Sounds like you're having the time of your life right now. Never having
The Snort Files World Press
WoW Snort The Heckler Can you snort valium?
Can you snort a promethazine 25 mg pill?.
Can you snort Xanax? - Yahoo! Answers
Can you snort Ecstacy? -
Yes. Crushing the pill into a powder and snorting it will defeat the extended release mechanism, and in addition, partially reduce the "first-pass" effect (this
Well I just picked up a bit of MDMA from a bro, he said eat a little, snort a little, and throw a little on a bowl (and then smoke it). I obviously know you can eat
08.04.2007 · Best Answer: I've not tried it personally but a very close friend either snorts or crushes and smokes pretty much anything his favorite is smoking Diazepam
can you snort weed? -
why would you want to? If you are throwing up constantly then it might get it in your system faster if it is a water soluble drug. otherwise not.